50年代西班牙经典的弗拉门戈电影之一,导演José María Forqué的处女作,主演是当时很有名的弗拉门戈舞蹈家Antonio和Xan das Bolas,另外还有著名女歌手María Dolores Pradera等人。与其他弗拉门戈电影相比,这片的特点在故事中加入了些超现实的元素,而不是纯粹的写实派。Jose Maria Forque is a prolific director of Spanish feature films and television programs, he made his feature debut in 1951 with Niebla y Sol/Mist and Sun after making several state-sponsored documentaries for which he received no credit. Forqué founded his own production company, Orfeo Film, in 1967.