主演:安东尼奥·卡萨尔 Isabel de Pomés Guillermo Marín Félix de Pomés 胡莉娅·拉霍斯 Julia Pachelo Manolita Morán Antonio Riquelme José Franco
简介:本片是西班牙经典幻想片之一。当年美国演员查理-卓别林(Charlie Chaplin)看过此片后称西班牙导演Edgar Neville是“他所遇见过的最会讲故事的人”(“the best storyteller he ever met”),并对此片的评价甚高。《乡村之声》也对此片有过详尽的介绍。La Torre de los Siete Jorobados is a 1944 Spanish mystery film directed by Edgar Neville. It is based on a
主演:Osvaldo Genazzani María Rosa Salgado José Suárez Enrique Guitart Félix de Pomés Elva de Bethancourt María Severini Consuelo de Nieva Joe La Roe Luis Villasiul Pedro Mascaró Modesto Cid Pablo Bofill Manuel Santigosa Ricardo Martín
主演:Fernando Fernán Gómez María Dolores Pradera Isabel de Pomés
简介:A great spanish cult movie!!This is one of the most astonishing films ever made. It has some scenes that it should be in the history of cinema. Like the filming by Fernando Fernan Gomez of the militias using a big roll of paper to win a positions. Or the
主演:Félix de Pomés Enriqueta Soler Román González Chispita Ana María Campoy Pilar Torres José Sanchíz Gregoria Millán Juana Mansó Modesto Cid Salvador Arnaldo Ernesto Campoy Alfredo Hornos Eduardo Blanca
主演:西蒙·安德鲁 塞雷娜·韦尔加诺 特雷莎·希梅拉 Yelena Samarina José Franco Félix de Pomés
简介:An aspiring young writer lives with his pregnant wife and works for a newspaper to provide for his growing family. When his sister-in-law comes to visit, there is a mutual attraction between the guest and the writer. Knowing they must fight their impulses
主演:Osvaldo Genazzani María Rosa Salgado José Suárez Enrique Guitart Félix de Pomés Elva de Bethancourt María Severini Consuelo de Nieva Joe La Roe Luis Villasiul Pedro Mascaró Modesto Cid Pablo Bofill Manuel Santigosa Ricardo Martín