简介:温思坦影业的这部传记片,是改编自著名作家杰拉德-克拉克(Gerald Clarke)为朱迪-嘉兰所做的传记《获得幸福——朱迪-嘉兰的一生》(Get Happy: The Life of Judy Garland。)。杰拉德-克拉克最近一部传记让人们熟知的传记是《杜鲁门-卡波特》(Truman Capote),这部讲述美国历史上最著名的南方作家的传记被改编成电影《卡波特》(Capote),《卡波特》曾在2005年获得了包括最佳影片在内的5项奥斯卡提名,其中男主角卡波特的扮演者菲利普-塞默-霍夫曼(Phili
简介:A sanatory in the south of Germany, a room with a view to the Bavarian Alpes. Talking to the camera: Thomas Harlan, author and filmmaker, adventurer, Nazi hunter. He talks, tells stories, reflects, interrupts himself. An imaginated film: a trip through Mo