简介:温思坦影业的这部传记片,是改编自著名作家杰拉德-克拉克(Gerald Clarke)为朱迪-嘉兰所做的传记《获得幸福——朱迪-嘉兰的一生》(Get Happy: The Life of Judy Garland。)。杰拉德-克拉克最近一部传记让人们熟知的传记是《杜鲁门-卡波特》(Truman Capote),这部讲述美国历史上最著名的南方作家的传记被改编成电影《卡波特》(Capote),《卡波特》曾在2005年获得了包括最佳影片在内的5项奥斯卡提名,其中男主角卡波特的扮演者菲利普-塞默-霍夫曼(Phili
简介:Axel (Richy Müller) and Karla (Laura Tonke) are an ill-matched couple in a borderline situation. The two meet in the hospital. Axel is keeping watch at his son's bedside and Karla is waiting for some sign of life from her sister. None of the doctors