简介:Psychiatrist lends her country house to patient, expecting she would repose. But she meets a neurotic former lover, and the psychiatrist gets so involved in the couple's problems that she ends up getting dependent of them.In this Brazilian film, psy
简介:A health-resort where both the clients and the employees easily take their clothes off and have a litte fun is the setting of this hugely popular sex-comedy.
简介:Galicia, 1880. A los Pazos de Ulloa, un recóndito y salvaje paraje, donde la religión y la brujería, las pasiones y la política, se entretejen en plena naturaleza, llega don Julián (José Luis Gómez), un curita delicado y de sensible pureza que ha sido env
主演:Lya de Putti Wladimir Gaidarow Eduard Rothauser Fritz Greiner Hubert von Meyerinck Frida Richard Emilie Kurz Lydia Potechina Theodor Loos Siegfried Arno Trude Hesterberg Marlene Dietrich Olga Engl Karl Harbacher Hans Junkermann Hermann Picha
主演:恩尼奥·凡塔斯蒂基尼 Francesca Cuttica Juliet Esey Joseph Li Yong Antonello Morroni Jader Giraldi Carmen Giardina Rodolfo Baldini Angelo Nicotra Massimo Triggiani Furio Ferrari Alessandro Chiodo Luigi Marani Eleonora Deidda Laura Contarino Marco Valerio Mancini Cla
简介:外星人是说中文的?周末在威尼斯影展首映的一部意大利科幻电影,以当地秘密警察审问一个会说中文的外星生物为题材,引起关注。《华尔街日报》「中国实时报」博客网认为,这片显然在探讨西方对中国的不信任。 这齣电影名为《The Arrival of Wang》,讲述意大利秘密警察把一名中文翻译蒙眼带到罗马一个秘密地方,这名女翻译被告知要为一个神秘拘留者当翻译。这个神秘人士原来是魷鱼