




    主题曲:http://www.songtaste.com/song/1365250/Pablo 读给 Paulina 的诗:如同身沾光亮夜露的银色小鸟任羽毛在河水上漂浮我把衣服放在如无尽流水的月色下然后飞身离开这世界的喧嚣Runtime: 106 minPaulina, 17 lives with grandfather, whom she dearly loves. She is a modern girl, full of zest for life and dreams. She sings in a hip-hop girl’s band. At gig she meet Pablo, a withdrawn 18-years-old, and falls in love with him on the spot. He, however, acts cool, distanced, his behavior full of contradictions. He doesn’t change until she finds out from him what it was that made him this way. His parents had successful rock musician (Tito Larriva). His mother is so wrapped up in her own problems that she is blind to Pablo’s yearning for love and human warmth.Paulina is the one who gives him the courage to try and re-establish a relationship with his father. She has leukemia, and her everyday life is dominated by her illness. Yet she finds the strength to fight for her life and her love. Her grandfather helps her in this, and Pablo is also there when she is the one in need. The end marks the beginning of a love between two people ...荳蔻年華的葆琳娜雖然患有血癌,但是憑藉著祖父的關愛和她對音樂的執著,她不願屈服地和死神搏鬥,在一次演唱會後,葆琳娜對於年齡相仿的鮑伯一見鍾情,熱切期待愛情光臨。但是個性內向,憤世嫉俗的鮑伯,卻刻意隱藏他對葆琳娜的愛意,因為童年父母離異的傷害,讓他無法與人維持正常交往。葆琳娜的真情終於打動了鮑伯,讓他和形同陌路的父親重新建立關係,但是不斷釋放愛的葆琳娜,漸漸怠到死神的靠近,在她需要幫助和安慰的時候,鮑伯能夠獻上同樣的真情嗎?答案將在他們共譜的愛情樂章之中。


    • 玛丽·伊可
    • 马克·哈洛夫
    • 汉内洛勒·埃尔斯纳
    • 迪图·拉里瓦
    • 迪特马尔·舍恩赫尔

