



    • 主演:SophieCalleGregShephard


    Double-Blind is a conceptual video work originally released in Europe as a feature film. In this voyeuristic examination of intimacy and identity, French conceptual artist Sophie Calle is joined by her collaborator and partner, Gregory Shephard. Armed with camcorders while cruising west across the United States in Shephard’s Cadillac, they produced and documented a real-life narrative of their journey — and their relationship. In this unconventional coast-to-coast road movie, America is the backdrop for Calle and Shephard’s strikingly different versions of their experiences.The protagonists chronicle a landscape of human relations, wrestling to reconcile self, sexuality, and desire. The viewer is subtly lured into reviewing the subjective and cultural roles imposed by gender, sexuality, power, and tradition. Throughout this personal exploration Calle seeks to redefine the terms and parameters of subject/object, public/private, truth/fiction, and role-playing. The quasi-documentary style evokes the films of Chris Marker, to whom Double-Blind is dedicated.Double-Blindby Sophie Calle and Gregory Shephard1992, 75:58 min, color, soundIn her premiere video project, French conceptual artist Sophie Calle joins with Gregory Shephard to create a voyeuristic tour de force. Armed with camcorders, Calle and her collaborator/partner Shephard head West in his Cadillac convertible to produce and document a real-life narrative of their journey and their relationship. With America as the backdrop for this unconventional coast-to-coast road movie, Calle and Shephard each narrates and records a personal diary, presenting strikingly different versions of the narrative/relationship. Aiming their dueling camcorders, the protagonists chronicle the elusive landscapes of human relations, wrestling to reconcile self, sexuality, and desire. The viewer is challenged to reconsider the subjective and cultural roles imposed by gender, sexuality, power, and tradition. Throughout, Calle seeks to redefine through personal investigation the terms and parameters of subject/object, public/private, truth, fiction, and role-playing. The quasi-documentary style evokes the films of Chris Marker, to whom Double-Blind is dedicated.索菲·卡莱(Sophie Calle)1953年生于法国巴黎,现仍在巴黎居住。索菲·卡莱的早期作品采用了寄生的方法,试图以此来溶解生活与艺术、隐私与公开、窥视与参与、暴露与隐秘、幻想与现实的关系。1979年,她用照相机和文字记录了她邀请的45个人8个小时内在她的床上轮流睡觉的情景。索菲·卡莱的作品通常像一个调查或抽样调查的结果。但它也可以看作是进行的试验、纪录片或是经过艺术加工的自传。她称自己为“纪实艺术家”,她经常暗中跟踪陌生人,监视她们,询问她们,让她们无意识地加入到她的游戏与故事中,如 1980年创作的“布朗克斯(Le Bronx)”、“威尼托的人(Suite venetienne)”、“自传(Autobiographies)”。1981年创作的“旅馆(Hotel)”、1983年创作的“证件(Le Carnet)”、1984年创作的“阿纳托里(Anatoli)”、1986年创作的“盲人(Les Aveugles)”、1990年创作的“坟墓(Les Tombes)”和1991年创作的“色盲(Color Blind)”。为了产生一种富有诗意的朦胧的效果,她像侦探似的以女招待和脱衣舞女的身份出现。通过暴露自己和他人的生活,创造一种幻想与事实、臆造与现实、想象与观察相互渗透的场面。在1996年创作的“清除(Die Entfernung-The Detachment)”中,她提供给我们一种重新收集回忆的过程,并将它视为艺术创作的形式。在原东柏林期间,卡莱曾经将许多社会主义的纪念性建筑物拍摄下来,柏林墙推倒之后,这些纪念物也相继被毁。此后,卡莱又重返故地,采访了曾经与这些建筑为邻的居民,记录下他们对往事的回忆与感想。在展览上,卡莱将照片与采访的录音并置,主观与客观相互补充,产生了非常好的效果。


    • Sophie
    • Calle
    • Greg
    • Shephard

