很不错的黑色喜剧,复古型的影片节奏不紧不慢,但最后的结局却出人意料。几位主演都是阿根廷影坛的传奇人物,有被称为“阿根廷的葛丽泰-嘉宝”的Mecha Ortiz(1900-1987),Arturo García Buhr(1905-1995),Mario Soffici等。Mara Ordaz, a former diva who lives in a mansion away from the city and sorrounded by memories together with her husband, her doctor and the person in charge of the administration of her things, decides to sell her house and return to the big city. The men do not agree with this. She will call an estate agent, a young woman who will make a change within this group of people. A chain of events will bring to an unexpected ending.Bad cinematography and unimaginative work with the camera are the only insolvent aspects of this wonderful fable about the human condition. The story of an elderly, faded major cinema star locked up in her suburban house dreaming with the past while she sees her old movies could remain us the figure of Norma Desmond (Sunset Blvd). Also, there are a strange who came to the house and change the life of the four inhabitants. But this is not a film about the movies. It's about friendship and death, greed and decadence, madness and love. The black humor dominates the entire film and there are symbolic references to the `disappeared people' (the film was opened during the last military dictatorship of Argentina). The sensational cast were living legends of Argentinean cinema: Mecha Ortiz, Arturo Garcia Buhr, Mario Soficci, Narciso Ibanez Menta and Barbara Mujica. A must see.