



    • 主演:OlenkaCepeda


    此片根据秘鲁妇女运动领导人Maria Elena Moyano的生平改编,讲述一位印加女性如何在社会中受到不公平并觉醒而领导其他秘鲁妇女保护自己的权益而成为女性政治家的故事。本片是一部经典的拉美左翼女权电影。Alberto Durand's masterpiece. The best movie of 1998 in the latin american cinema, Alberto Durand relates to us the life of the pacific activist Maria Elena Moyano, an amazing woman whose legacy will be eternal for the civilian activism in Perú.This Peruvian-Spanish co-production is based on the real life story of Maria Elena Moyano, a woman fighting against all odds in her country, Peru: Latin machismo, terrorism by the infamous"Shining Path", threats from policemen, a government distrustul of her intentions,...all on behalf of an oppressed population, additionally burdened by poverty, and lack of basic infrastructure. As the different groups start discrediting her, she becomes the target of attacks from all sides. The picture is a rarity in Latin American, where stories of female COURAGE abound but are seldom told, and never before like this on film.This film stood out as a gem of the Spanish speaking film industry. Few political dramas contain as much passion and drama as this one.Villa El Salvador有一名非常重要的女性Maria Elena Moyano,她是一个妇女组织FEPOMUVES(Federation Women of VES)的领袖,同时也是Villa El Salvador的副市长。该组织不但是整个秘鲁,甚至是整个拉丁美洲里行动力十分旺盛的妇女运动团体。在Maria Elena的组织,大约有一万名女性加入,FEPOMUVES在当地帮助许多女性及贫穷的民众。在秘鲁,有54%都处于贫穷状态,其中37%处于非常贫穷的状态,11 岁以下的孩童有30%处于营养不良的状态。所以这个女性组织不只帮助女性,也帮助了孩童。最近有个教师团体进行大罢工,因为他们并没有得到很好的待遇,毎个月薪资为200元美金,这样会让他们的生活很困难。

