Truth Has Fallen is a 60-minute documentary that examines the cases of three individuals who were wrongfully incarcerated for murder and sheds light on weaknesses in the US justice system. With the help of James McCloskey and his organization, Centurion Ministries, these convictions were ultimately overturned. Employing innovative painted animation, Truth Has Fallen brings to light the experiences of these three individuals, their courage in fighting for their innocence, and James McCloskey’s unwavering support.Truth Has Fallen exposes causes of wrongful convictions, such as the inaccuracy of eyewitness identification, the unreliability of “snitch” testimony, forced confessions, inadequate resources for the public defense attorneys, and the limitations of DNA evidence. Moral and legal issues regarding the death penalty are also examined. Experts advocate for relatively simple changes in our justice system in order to reduce the rate of wrongful convictions.