Based on Theodor Fontane’s novel, Effi Briest unwillingly married Baron von Innstetten, nearly 20 years her senior – and a former admirer of Effi's mother. The arranged marriage spells the beginning of a monotonous existence for Effi. Innstetten is entirely preoccupied with his political career, and the sleepy artist town of Kessin offers little excitement. Then Major Crampas arrives, one of Innstetten's military comrades and a charming womanizer. Effi starts a passionate affair with him. But it comes at a steep price: the affair proves fatal for Crampas. Effi, on the other hand, deals with the consequences of her decisions and embarks on a new chapter in her life. The novel was also adapted to screen by Fassbinder in 1974.沉默的園丁把情感傾注在公園每一株植物身上,他活在宅男的世界,不理人情世故,糊里糊塗和女朋友第一次約會,以致草草收場。一個蝦蝦霸霸的上司,把他潛藏的不安變成負能量,他到天橋給橋下汽車扔石頭,最初是石仔,漸變大石。後來獵人的犀利手槍落在他手裡,殺人的興奮無法遏止。女朋友想幫,卻只是幫倒忙。德國版的殺人狂言簡意賅,心理分析少費周章,著墨神秘氣氛和黑色懸疑,強烈的風格化和題旨亦步亦趨,新柏林電影學派示範之作