



    • 主演:OlgaBonus


    A politically pious sermonette. This film probably was brave for it's day, but, such films often get made when social conditions deem it necessary. (Hence the venereal-disease-warning films that were shown during WW2). As a political document it is interesting to see how it craftily avoids asking why, in a society in which political change was supposed to have brought sexual and social emancipation for all, as well as work for all, women should still need to sell sex in order to survive, and, like all other religions, the only message the so-called communism of the USSR had to offer was"don't do it". Pious and dreary, it has nothing to say, and what little it does say, is patronising and predictable. But, on the other hand, this was 1927..!


    • Olga
    • Bonus

