It's 1908, and Katie Beauchamp (Kate Elliot, Shortland Street) is bored out of her mind in New Zealand. She's desperate to leave home, and has a burning ambition to be a writer. Her parents' bitter opposition can't stop her - at the age of 19, she arrives in London with a small allowance and big dreams.The next year of her life will change everything. In one year, Katie Beauchamp becomes Katherine Mansfield, and out of first love, disgrace and heartbreak, she forges the stories that will begin her career as a writer.One hundred years later, Katherine Mansfield is still New Zealand's most famous writer. Sunday Theatre - The Audi New Zealand Season: Bliss is the story of her brave, scandalous and triumphant beginning.Written and directed by Fiona Samuel (Piece Of My Heart) Bliss also stars Sarah Peirse (Heavenly Creatures), Peter Elliott (Crime Queen: Dame Ngaio Marsh), Tandi Wright ( Nothing Trivial) and Ian Hughes ( Shortland Street).凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德(Katherine Beauchamp Mansfield,1888年10月14日 - 1923年1月9日)出生于新西兰,短篇小说作家,被称为新西兰文学的奠基人。她的第一本著作为1911年出版的《在德国公寓》(In a German Pension)。著名作品有《花园酒会》、《幸福》和《在海湾》等,被誉为100多年来新西兰最有影响力的作家之一。(WIKIPEDIA)