



    • 主演:凯龙丰杰军军


    原文片名 Original Title:三只小动物3 肉的飞行状 稚肉飞行状英文片名English Title:Three Small Animals3語言Language:V普通話/國語 Mandarin □其他 Others:字幕Subtitles: V中 文Chinese 或/及 V英文 English片長Duration: 86:31出品地區Country of Origin: CHINA完成日期Year of Production:2012-2-15影片簡介Synopsis: (250字以內 Within 250 words):1一扇门开了,光明或者黑暗。有三个年轻人走了进来。他们一个人拿着剑、一个人戴着脚镣、一个人揣着麻将筛子。人或者动物、黑暗或者飞行。A door opened,bright or dark.There are three young men came.One hold a dagger,one shackled,one took a Mahjong dicePeople or animals,darkness,or flight,2三个90后的孩子的生活,这是《三只小动物1》2007、《三只小动物2》2009 之后的第三个成片《三只小动物3》2011。The lives of three children which were borned after 1990.this is the third one2011 after 2007 and 2009.导演阐述:这是我拍这三个孩子的第六年,当初持续的拍摄是因为《三只小动物1》受到影展放映的肯定,现在我却从中获益,我,一个旁观者,持续观察别人,长久注视,无关痛痒,也算在打发无聊,我持续的观看所看的到事物已经与最初拍摄它所看到的不同;在之中我也提醒自己这只眼仍然是我自己的乐趣,不为任何人的观看而止步不前。This is the sixth year I have film shooting on the three children,Continued to have shooting at that time,because affirmed in the filme festivals,But now,I learned a lot from it,I ,be a bystander,continuous observation of others,Long-term concern,Irrelevant,that’s also considered to fill the empty,But it is different from what I have saw at the first time;I always remind myself,this eye is still my own fun,never stop for any person’s viewing.■2007【纪录短片】三只小动物1 Documentary Three Small Animals2007 17min2009 4th云之南影像展 Yunnan Multi Culture Visual Festival (YUNFEST)2009北京独立电影展 4th BeiJing Independent Film Festival2009塔佩雷Tampere Short Film Festival 20092009台湾南方影展 9th South Taiwan Film Festival2009重庆造影青春影展?3th chongqing Independent Film & Video Festival2010北京 大聲展 北京站/上海站Get It Louder2010美国圣地牙哥加州大学收藏(University of California, San Diego,简称UCSD2011瑞士文化基金会Pro Helvetia““中国独立电影和独立艺术机构””放映■2009【纪录短片】三只小动物2 Documentary Three Small Animals2009 30min2010重庆造影青春影展?3th chongqing Independent Film & Video Festival CIFVF以及巡展 伦敦\浙江\山东2010北京 大聲展 北京站/上海站Get It Louder2011杭州影展 亚洲国际青年电影节 HANGZHOU ASIAN FILM FESTIVAL2010美国圣地牙哥加州大学收藏(University of California, San Diego,简称UCSD2011瑞士文化基金会Pro Helvetia““中国独立电影和独立艺术机构””放映■2012【纪录长片】三只小动物3 Documentary Three Small Animals2011 88min2012北京独立电影展 5th BeiJing Independent Film Festival

