




  • 主演:西里尔·索文尼利多维·卡农LudovicBergery


A family drama made for TV, this film narrates a beautiful though treacherous journey involving 3 siblings. They lose both their parents after a terrible accident, after which their lives are forever changed. Following the accident, Vincent, the middle child, has to assume a lot of responsibilty, not the least of which is his younger sister Alice. He must give up his architecture course in order to work - for his uncle's construction firm. The two adjust, and their life goes pretty well before it is again turned upside down. Their older brother Thomas, who had been in Brazil a couple of years, returns and upsets the current copy...


  • 西里尔·索文尼
  • 利多维·卡农
  • Ludovic
  • Bergery


