



    • 主演:OlofPalmeCatharinaPalmeLisbetPalme


    帕尔梅在上个世纪六十到八十年代间两度出任瑞典首相。他坚持瑞典的中立地位,坚决批判美苏的强权侵略,支持第三世界国家的自由解放。国内改革很大促进了社会民主化和经济增长,拓展了社会福利。1986年他在大街上突然遇刺,至今凶手不明。虽然生前争议不断,但死后得到了各地人们的怀念。该片展示了这位永远改变了瑞典历史的人的一生。Olof Palme was a pivotal, renowned, and polarizing figure domestically as well as in international politics since the 1960s. He was the two-term Prime Minister of Sweden. Palme was steadfast in his non-alignment policy towards the superpowers, frequently criticized US and Soviet foreign policy, and supported numerous third world liberation movements. The major reforms in the Sweden carried out by Olof Palme promoted the process of democratization, boosted economic growth and built complete social welfare system.In 1986, Palme was assassinated on the street on the street of Stockholm, and the identity of the killer is still unknown. Though Palme was a controversial figure during his career, he is memorized by the people around the world.This film about his life and times, and about the Sweden he helped to create.


    • Olof
    • Palme
    • Catharina
    • Palme
    • Lisbet
    • Palme

