The starring and directorial debut of television personality Bobby Ologun, credited under his actual name Konda Bobby. It presents a heartwarming depiction of a young African man's life in Japan, and reflects many of Ologun's real-life experiences.Nigerian youth Bob (Ologun) arrives in Tokyo to help with his father's business. Right away, he commits a serious error by leaving his luggage on a bus, but a woman passing by named Sayuri (Minamisawa Nao) comes to his aid. Her beauty and kindness captures Bob's heart.
演员:Laura Adriani 罗伯托·德·弗朗西斯科 洛里斯·德·卢纳 安东尼奥·福莱托 Biagio Manna 文森佐·内莫拉托 Saverio Picozzi Vincenzo Picozzi