In 2010, the Los Angeles police arrested Lonnie Franklin, a middle-agedAfrican American, for the murder of ten women over the course of 25 years.Few were aware of the serial killings (Franklin may have killed many more),and his neighbors in South Central described him as a decent guy whoworked hard and resisted drug gangs. Director and on-screen interviewerNick Broomfield (BIGGIE AND TUPAC, HEIDI FLESS: HOLLYWOOD MADAM),along with his son Barney, and Marc Hoeferlin, dig for information,uncovering a murky, hellish tale of brutality and depravity fueled byeconomic desperation, institutional racism and crack cocaine. And wewonder: Would the LAPD let a killer operate for a quarter-century in awhite, middle-class neighborhood? Broomfield’s interviews with survivorsof near-fatal encounters with the killer are riveting and heartbreaking.