




  • 主演:纳维恩·克里斯纳苏汗德拉·普拉萨德达塔特雷亚玛诺哈尔莫汉


禅那因杀人罪被判处绞刑。在他生命中的最后一个夜晚,他回顾自己短暂的人生,在梦中拷问自己的朋友、父亲和老师,最终意识到自已的命运是由自己书写,走到今日责任完全在自己。在行刑前,禅那与监狱警官还就死刑存在的正当性进行了最后的辩论。Channa the protagonist is a murder accused who has been sentenced to death penalty by the court of law. It’s the last night of Chana’s life. He recolletcts his short life of irregularities. His thoughts buried in his subconscious wakes up and erupt out as a dream, where he questions his close friend who took him into robberry, his irresponsible father and his teacher who was scared to correct his mistake. His own consciousness answers his questions and takes the blames.This film waits to give an experience of reinforcement of the value of human life that prevails in every audience’s soul and body.


