Heroes and Weapons of WWII

Heroes and Weapons of WWII




  • 主演:Robert Powell


Heroes of WW II The heroes on the battlefield, were matched by their civilian counterparts, who helped to liberate the free world by deciphering enemy codes, designing better aircraft and inventing war-winning machinery and ordnance. From pathfinding pilots to scientists, from the officers confronted with Hitler's atrocities at Belsen to the inventors of radar ; they all played a part in hastening the end of the most cataclysmic conflict ever.Weapons of WW II In 1939, the world went to war using obsolete weaponry. In order to gain supremacy it was necessary for an army of designers, inventors and manufacturers to develop and manufacture more and more sophisticated killing machines. In this series"WEAPONS OF WORLD WAR II" the development of each weapon system is addressed from the outbreak of war through to its peak in 1945.


