



    • 主演:妮科尔·斯黛芬爱德瓦·德米特蕾内·科思玛雅克·伯纳德


    影片改编自1929年发表的让·考克多的自传体小说,讲述一对姐弟的非正常生活。他们之间进行着外人看起来过分的游戏,但对于他们来说又是必要的。在新人走进他们的生活之后,嫉妒和欺骗产生了。让-皮埃尔·梅尔维尔曾执导《独行杀手》《红圈》等着名影片。他并非科班出身,因为喜欢电影自组独立制片公司开始从事创作。但当时他忽视法国电影界传统的制片方式,很受到各方面的注意,特别是受到诗人让考克多的赏识。因此考克多提供一千七百万法郎的制片费,请他导演他的小说《可怕的孩子们》,结果很成功,而被誉为战后法国电影界最有才华的新人,被视为法国新潮电影间接的先驱者。Elisabeth is very protective of her teenage brother Paul, who is injured in a snowball fight at school and has to rest in bed most of the time. The siblings are inseparable, living in the same room, fighting, playing secret games, and rarely leaving the house; though Paul's friend Gerard often stays with them. One day Elisabeth brings home Agathe to live with them also. She bears a strong resemblance to Dargelos, a schoolboy whom Paul had a crush on, and who injured him. Paul and Agathe become attracted to each other, causing Elizabeth to be very jealous.大致意思是关于兄妹和介入者的感情纠葛,贝托鲁奇的《戏梦巴黎》部分灵感源于此片。


    • 妮科尔·斯黛芬
    • 爱德瓦·德米特
    • 蕾内·科思玛
    • 雅克·伯纳德

