Sem Essa, Aranha is a most trenchant, gruelling political comment/exhortation/vomit on Brazilian society (although not without humour), reflecting through a distorted lens the extreme conditions and difficulties of those times: the retrenchment of one's individuality; the impossibility of exercising free expression; the bourgeois hypocrisies and aphasia; economic instability and suffocating misery; and the endorsement of machismo.
演员:加布里埃拉·安德拉达 Alicia Bercán Joel Bosqued Mario Ermito David Solans Alba Ribas Celia Freijeiro Lucas Fuica Iñigo Galiano Fernando Oyagüez Paco Tous
演员:中泽元纪 押田岳 小林亮太 中山优贵 谷水力 荒井启志 奥谷知弘 京山阳春 校條拳太朗 田中柊羽 佐久间あゆみ 福留光帆 中根もにゃ 麻弥 田中沙季 铃木千佳子 芹沢尚哉 大鹤义丹 川上麻衣子