This episode, better known as"Jimmy Kimmel Sucks" has Matt Damon kidnapping Jimmy and hijacking his show, where he proceeds to fire Guillermo and Cleto, replacing them with Andy Garcia and Sheryl Crow. Then he hires Robin Williams to do the opening monologue, gets kudos and congratulations from a number of celebrities and Jimmy's parents, who adopt Matt as"the son they really wanted". We are then shown Jimmy's attempts to audition, horribly, for every role Matt ever played. Many big-name celebrities make guest appearances on this show, including Jimmy's ex-girlfriend. The show ends with Jimmy getting bumped by Matt.
演员:Laura Adriani 罗伯托·德·弗朗西斯科 洛里斯·德·卢纳 安东尼奥·福莱托 Biagio Manna 文森佐·内莫拉托 Saverio Picozzi Vincenzo Picozzi