The show, currently filming in Stockholm, revolves around three friends suddenly faced with a devastating turn of events. The tumour discovered in 24-year-old Nora’s stomach is big – but her dreams and plans are bigger. Refusing to give up hope, Nora continues her journalism career, despite exhausting chemotherapy sessions and the constant fear of death. Together with her friends Alina and Doris, she is ready to live life.
演员:克里斯托弗·瓦格林 克里斯塔·科索恩 Kerstin Linden 约翰·乌尔韦松 斯瓦利尔·古德纳松 Maria Nohra Jack Bergenholtz Henriksson Fredrik Alfredsson Isa Aouifia 潘妮拉·奥古斯特 Lauren Barrand Martín Bejarano 特希拉·布拉德 Erik Bolin Hanna Carlander Jörgen Carlström Ivan Castro Stefan Chrunak Sebastian Dah