简介:The police investigate the murder of a 13-year old boy who is found hanging in a tree in a nearby wood. The pathologist quickly determines that the boy was actually strangled and the hanging then staged. The boy was gay and was the subject of much teasing
简介:每年八月,夜幕降临下的爱丁堡城堡,就只属于戏剧和军乐,力与美的表达。皇家爱丁堡军乐节是苏格兰首都爱丁堡一年一度的军乐演出,通常在八月爱丁堡艺术节开幕前一天晚上,由英国武装部队、英联邦与国际军乐队在公元6世纪就在成为苏格兰皇室堡垒的爱丁堡城堡进行表演。难得一见的瑞士最 高机密鼓乐队(Top Secret Drum Corps),拥有百年历史的捷克武装部队和皇家空军的中央乐队(The Central Band of the Czech Armed Forces and theRoyal Air Force