简介:Wile E. Coyote hopes to catch the Road Runner using a mallet, a cooking pan, a TNT stick, a balloon, and a piano dropped from a precipice. The last of these results in Wile E. falling to the road below along with the piano and ending up with 88 teeth.
简介:在动物仙子(简·霍洛克斯 Jane Horrocks 配音)和小叮当(梅·惠特曼 Mae Whitman 配音)的帮助下,动物们浩浩荡荡的迁徙到了冬森林,冬森林实在是太美丽了,小叮当瞬间就被迷住了。之后,小叮当发现自己背上的翅膀竟然开始发光,她来到藏书室,好不容易找到了记载着翅膀发光缘由的书籍,却发现自己所需要的那几页书居然被虫蛀得斑斑驳驳。无奈之下,她只得前去寻求图书管理员的帮助,图书管理员告诉小叮当,她所寻求的答案就藏在冬森林之中,于是,小叮当踏上了寻求真理的旅途。在冬森林,小叮当遇见了铃兰花仙子(
简介:Félix, disguised as Father Christmas, hands out leaflets advertising a sexy Christmas party. His place is taken by an African Santa Claus and he returns to his caravan only to find his girlfriend Josette about to leave him. When he comes after her, she ta
简介:奇妙的精灵世界里居住着成千上万的小精灵,他们各司其职,装点广阔人间:风仙子为花儿传粉;花仙子为花草上色;水仙子给大地解冻;动物仙子唤醒冬眠的小动物……然而小叮当(梅·惠特曼 Mae Whitman 配音)却只是一名修理仙子,负责制造和修补一些工具,她天天渴望能像姐妹们一样到人间工作,装扮春天。于是,小叮当开始苦练姐妹们的能力,希望改变自己的职能。然而冒冒失失的她虽然学习刻苦,但也闯祸不断,甚至在学习风仙子的技能时不慎破坏了春天的准备进程。懊恼悔恨之时,她却意外发现了自己发明创造的天赋,小叮当决定将功补过,
简介:Wile E. Coyote hopes to catch the Road Runner using a mallet, a cooking pan, a TNT stick, a balloon, and a piano dropped from a precipice. The last of these results in Wile E. falling to the road below along with the piano and ending up with 88 teeth.