简介:This heartfelt documentary delves into the lively bond between Milvi, an unconventional grandmother, and her granddaughter Emili, a dedicated theatre student. Each Sunday, they gather for meals, watch sports while using the cozy apartment as their secret
简介:In a post-pandemic world, a young scholar and a nameless stranger explore love amidst urban desolation. Vladan Nikolic’s “Everything That Will Happen Has Already Happened” delves into ho
简介:An escargotic exploration of the spaces lived and lost throughout the life of Mrs. Miko, who is quite old now, perhaps even a centenarian. Her storied, shell-like mind structures have become intertwined with those of Lenia Friedrich, who, within the proxi
主演:科卡·布卢斯 Cezar Antal Alexandru Pavel Angela Ioan Smaranda Crăciun
简介:Elena, a 77-year-old woman, decides to put her son, who has an intellectual disability, in a social care centre. The decision turns out to be harder to bear than she imagined.
简介:Pregnancy, birthing and parental care are strongly charged social roles. The partly absurd public discourse about them – reinforced by hyper-positive media images and stereotypes – makes natural concerns feel less and less natural. Evolutionary necessitie
简介:Bernardo and Esperanza met in Bilbao in 1978, when both were students at university in the midst of the turbulent political circumstances of the time. They had an on-off relationship - brimming with passionate encounters and inexplicable misunderstandings