简介:The original story about a man who lost his son, became Santa to many, reunites with his love, and brings hope to all. Distraught over losing his son, he finds closure and discovers a new purpose when he takes on the role of Santa Claus.
简介:In a flat, three women teach each other to look. To look at what? Samples of marble. Their vision and speech become more refined as they make the material their own. Three young woman ar
简介:Ernest est un gros ours de Charabie. Il aime jouer de la musique et manger de la confiture. Il a recueilli chez lui Célestine, une petite souris orpheline et ils partagent désormais une maison. Les deux compères ne s’ennuient jamais ! À l’approche des pre
主演:Frederik Cilius Flemming Sørensen Rasmus Bruun Vibeke Manniche Mohamed Ali Osman
简介:Subversive satirist Mads Brugger's latest is an odd-couple comedy about the pitfalls of striking out into the economic frontier; it charts two hapless Danes' scheme to sell Saint Bernards to China's middle class.
简介:1942年威尼斯电影节双年奖。反法西斯战争电影经典,堪比Roberto Rossellini的《罗马不设防的城市》。IMDB评分8.3。MY RATING 5 La inceputul mileniului III cinematografia romaneaca a primit un dar nesperat. Presa italiana a scris despre un fapt cu totul inedit, anume descoperirea intamplatoare in arhi
简介:圣乔治骑士约瑟夫·布洛涅(小凯文·哈里森 Kelvin Harrison Jr. 饰)1745年出生在法属加勒比地区,是一名非洲奴隶和一名法国种植园主的私生子。他在法国社会中拥有其他黑人无法企及的地位,他既是小提琴家&作曲家,又是击剑冠军。他与一位法国贵妇拥有一段不幸爱情,同时也与玛丽·安托瓦内特及她的宫廷闹翻,这也致使他早逝。