简介:泰剧《牢笼之谜》(又名《金翅鸟之笼》)讲述了为家族长兄M. R. W. Adisak(Captain 饰)洗清冤屈的故事。Adisak因被指控盗窃家族祖传钻石而沦为替罪羊,生活陷入困境,被迫与家人同住出租屋。其女儿Khwan Tha(Cookie 饰)无法忍受父亲名誉受损,决心追查真相以恢复家族荣耀。她与出版商之子Prakan(Tiewhui 饰)联手,试图回到“Surayakarn”家族揭开秘密。剧情围绕洗冤、家族秘密及两代人的情感纠葛展开,最终Khwan Tha能否成功证明父亲清白,成为贯穿全剧的核心
简介:Anyone who feels a shiver run down their spines at the colorfully dazzling collections of dead butterflies attached to boards in museums will likely recognize a persistent unease in Michael Heindl’s Drawing from Nature. It relates to the relationship betw
简介:Crawlies is a soliloquy based on voice recordings of my schizophrenic uncle. An audiovisual exercise of mise en abyme that weaves a patchwork of memories from my childhood, of madness and desire.
简介:In Night Trawler we drag the nets through the dark caverns of our sub-conscious, diving into the world of dreams, entering gateways and discovering (un)related found images. Our minds constantly jump from one thought to another with no apparent logic as w