主演:Barbara Markham Ann Michelle Sheila Keith Penny Irving
简介:An old man who lives in an old house conducts a correctional institute for girls. But he does not realize that the date is the present as he's been cooped up in the house. He is assisted by a matron who likes to get the girls into trouble and present
简介:根据Deadline网站消息,华纳日前赢得了了战地记者回忆录《It’s What I Do: A Photographer’s Life Of Love And War》的电影版权争夺战。 华纳筹划的《It's What I Do》电影版的主创班底相当强大,他们为这部电影找来了史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格掌舵执导,詹妮弗·劳伦斯则将出演回忆录的主人公琳赛·阿达里奥。 作为曾经直击阿富汗、伊朗和非洲动荡局势的战地摄影师,琳赛·阿达里奥不仅是《纽约时报》普利策获奖团队的一员,也曾在前线遭遇过绑架威胁等各种惊险