简介:The film begins with an episode in 1279 AD, when the successor of the last great Chola Emperor, pending invasion, sends his people to a mystery location, to survive the threat. The story resumes with an archaeologist, a coolie and a member of the army goi
简介:“当一个刽子手下班回到家中时,他会想些什么呢?”改编自美国划时代诗人卡尔· 桑德堡的同名诗歌《The Hangman at Home(家中的刽子手)》,体验者将一同探索有关参与和感知的主题。整个故事与刽子手行刑毫不相关,而是探讨人的窥探与入侵所带来尴尬与冒犯,也是质问窥视者、同谋者与旁观者三者之间的联系。表现主义风格的画面呈现结合交互体验,引领观者进入五个相互交织的「里世界」,一同窥视普通人生命中的某些关键时刻。