简介:Biography of Simona Kossak, a scientist and ecologist. The film tells the story of a Polish biologist. Coming from a renowned family of artists (both her father Jerzy and grandfather Woj
简介:An Air Force nurse about to leave the service is badly disfigured about her face in a car accident in which she also looses her baby. Her husband cannot deal with her disfigurement and she goes through a depression wondering why she was kept alive. The dr
简介:伴随着Claude Monet和他的政治家朋友George Clemenceau之间的交谈,这个沉思式的 VR 体验邀请观众参与到一场感官之旅。旅程从Claude Monet的花园出发,中途在艺术家的工作室稍作停留,最后在橘园博物馆的展览室结束。In 1883 painter Claude Monet first rented a house in the French town of Giverny. After purchasing the property and adjoining land,
简介:More than 130,000 advertising professionals have lost their jobs in this 'Great Recession.' Lemonade is about what happens when people who were once paid to be creative in advertising are forced to be creative with their own lives.