简介:算上“Gone,But Not Forgotten”、“Love Life”,这是导演Michael D. Akers第三次执拍同志题材的电影了。Akers习惯运用高密度的画面营造视觉效果,他的人物角色也以往往复杂而充满立体感。“Phoenix”中每个角色都被导演赋予了象征意义,水,大地,风和火。导演希望用4种元素来解构爱情的真正含义。年轻的Dylan在洛杉矶苦等一周,希望能看到他经常出差的男朋友Ken回来给他过生日。当Ken接到一个电话不顾Dylan的生日派对匆匆离开时,Dylan决定跟踪Ken。他们
简介:'Who The Fuck Is That Guy'? The Fabulous Journey Of Michael Alago tells the astonishing story of a gay Puerto Rican kid growing up in a Hasidic Brooklyn neighborhood, who got on the subway one day and began a musical odyssey that helped shape th