简介:Die einsame Gisela glaubt, Zeugin eines Verbrechens zu sein und beginnt zu ermitteln. Enkelin Mia hilft ihr – doch sie hat selbst ein Geheimnis. 孤独的吉塞拉(Gisela)认为自己目击了一起犯罪事件,并开始展开调查。孙女米娅(
简介:In a digitally surveilled Tehran, the tables turn on those in power. The city's inhabitants face a sudden change that upends the status quo, sparking a tense exploration of privacy, authority, and the consequences of ubiquitous monitoring.
简介:IDFA DocLab Competition for Immersive Non-Fiction The title of this interactive installation of course refers to the famous Marxist playwright, whose dream was to create a “scientific” t
简介:The filmmaker’s grandmother moved into this house in 1971. When Rolande Ségalini died, everything remained as it was during her lifetime. But what to do with all the accumulated things? As her granddaughter Céline begins to film this material legacy, she