简介:Driven to make the world better for his baby girl, John Ennis pieces together the cycle of pay-to-play politics that rules America. When insiders control the game, how can an outsider have a voice? Through first-time candidates in Ohio, following the mone
简介:波兰版的《欲望都市》,《女士们》讲述的是四个朋友每年在新年夜相聚, 讨论她们的生活和对将来的计划。今年,女士们有一些严肃的话题:不忠、生育率和整形手术等等。然而,像凯莉·布拉德肖和她的同伴,她们在处理这样的生活剧时总带着幽默和自己的风格。Dubbed the Polish “Sex and the City”,Lejdis (Laydees) tells the story of fourfast friends who meet on New Year'sEve each year to r
简介:Play Dead; Real TimeDate:2003Medium:Three-channel video (color, silent), two projectors, two screens, monitorDuration:19:11 min., 14:44 min. (on large screens), 21:58 min. (on monitor) Minimum Room Size: 24.8m x 13.07mCredit Line:Acquired through the gen
简介:Driven to make the world better for his baby girl, John Ennis pieces together the cycle of pay-to-play politics that rules America. When insiders control the game, how can an outsider have a voice? Through first-time candidates in Ohio, following the mone