简介:A young woman (Virna Lisi) and a soldier team up to deliver an Austrian General (Rod Steiger) to Italian forces during World War I. Their quest for the 1000 Lire reward changes their lives unexpectedly.
简介:电影剧情:渔家女王志芳与邻居阿牛青梅竹马,每天一起出海捕鱼。芳父酗酒,继母嗜赌,家计全赖志芳独力维持。城市青年丁子建驾车郊游,意外险伤志芳幼妹,阿牛怒打子建,幸得志芳调解。子建自此常到渔村与志芳泛舟,并携志芳畅游市区。志芳与子建渐堕爱河,阿牛妒忌不已,向志芳求婚,志芳难于取舍。芳母欠债,债主大哥雄胁逼志芳作妾,更掳走芳父和幼妹。阿牛率众救人,与大哥雄恶斗,子建及时召警到来将大哥雄拘捕。子建感志芳、阿牛天生一对,自愿退出,玉成二人好事。外文名:The girl and the sea出品时间:1960
简介:Anti-Semitic Nazi propaganda film that "shows" how Jewish textile company owners are sabotaging the German linen industry by buying linen from Ireland instead of having it produced in "the Fatherland".