简介:1997年4月20日,WWF(世界摔角联盟World Wrestling Federation,即今天的WWE——世界摔角娱乐组织)在纽约州的战争纪念堂举行了第14次In Your House PPV: Revenge of the Taker。主要赛事为:LOD的野兽Animal、猎鹰Hawk和哈特家族的Owen Hart、英国拳师狗British Bulldog争夺双打冠军金腰带;古巴小子Savio Vega与出道不久的萨摩亚新人Rocky Maivia(岩石Rock)争夺洲际杯冠军腰带;Jesse
简介:Soberano present "The queen of the public house rabble" an movie short that, without brilliant, this movie is very fine. Very good ambient and excellent soundtrack make a condiments of this film.The history beginning with a terrible train accid