简介:'Charlemagne' recounts the dramatic, violent and bawdy lie of the Middle Ages' most important emperor: His life as a political strategist, a passionate lover, a man that conquered most of Europe and a cultural visionary. The mix of feature
简介:A powerful, poetic image: the mystery of black against white, of an outsider walking on the water, on stilts, Christ-like, stubborn, the tension of his forward-leaning body reflecting his determination. This, indeed, is the topic of this intenselymyste
简介:传说中,胡根岛的悬崖峭壁之下有一间神秘的教堂,其中隐藏着价值连城的宝物,伊克(本杰明·萨德勒 Benjamin Sadler 饰)是一名经验丰富的探险家,追寻着这条线索,他来到了胡根岛。没想到,一次意外之中,伊克的妻子不幸在探险途中遇到了山崩,失去妻子后的伊克在悲痛之余,开始思考起自己人生的意义,最终,他选择了放弃追寻多年的宝藏。一晃八年过去了,一条有关查理曼大帝的宝藏的线索让伊克的内心久久不能平静,他体内的冒险家之血开始蠢蠢欲动。就在伊克带着助手重新踏上寻宝之路时,富有大亨罗兰德(哈克·波姆 Hark
简介:After the end of the war in Bosnia, Halima, a good-natured peasant woman from a remote Muslim village in Western Bosnia, searches for the remains of her husband and her teenage son, who were taken by Serbian paramilitary forces and executed. Using DNA ana