简介:A banner title from recent arrival Garajonay, with a big Spanish star cast of Hugo Silva and Susana Abaitua, playing a judicial expert and the murder suspects he’s investigating and falls head-over-heels in love with.
简介:Se trata de una película basada en la historia real de una agente de la Policía Nacional que en los 90 y cuando contaba apenas 20 años de edad, consiguió infiltrarse en la banda terrorista ETA presentándose como militante del Movimiento de Objeción de Con
简介:顺德华生园位于广东省佛山市顺德区,昔日是巨贾的豪宅,如今成为颓垣败瓦,更被谣传为“佛山五大鬼宅”之一。纪录片记录了2016年气温最高的一天里,Apoh Tam和Kirov Chen驱车到顺德区的霞石片区寻找华生园的种种映像。沿路尽是风景,遍布回忆与疑问,似乎目的地已经不再重要。Huasheng Villa is located in Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China. However, it has become a ruin
简介:《大地之子》是科索沃在前南斯拉夫联邦时代下的第一部被禁的电影,由于科索沃电影制片厂(Kosovafilm)本来制作的影片就不多,再加上这一地区连年战乱不断,以致于现在几乎很少能看到科索沃本土导演拍摄的民族电影,所以仅有的几部未被战火所毁坏的影片也更显得珍贵。The first Kosovan film ever to be banned and censored in the former Yugoslavia was Man of Earth, directed and co-written by A