简介:1917年。欧洲在世界大战的火焰中变得疯狂。尤为科夫是一名保加利亚军官,也是战争新闻报的记者,被派往铎布鲁迪加的前线。他有一个特殊的使命:为他最好的朋友送去他的订婚戒指。途中,他将会遇到几乎失明的克罗夫将军和一个为保受霍乱之苦的保加利亚士兵做祈祷的牧师,为他濒死的朋友合上双眼并在他未婚妻的家中过夜。正如他在记事本上记录下的一场,尤为科夫将承受所有这一切痛苦的回忆。1917. Europe gone crazy is burning in the flames of the World War. A Bu
简介:This is a gorgeous and visually exciting film, which has held up exceptionally well in the 80 years since it was made. The story is quite fast-paced, considering its length and the absence of dialogue except for the titles. Since silent movies have to dep