简介:The Vice Squad Franchise is a Crime Drama Procedural that spans the Globe exploring the lives of a select group of dedicated Detectives as they navigate to take down a web of dangerous international Human Trafficking rings.
简介:Two women lead the funeral of Jinrye, matriarch of Korea’s longest-running family of Pansori masters with a history spanning 300 years. Her daughter, Chae-seon, is celebrated as the grea
简介:IDFA DocLab Competition for Digital Storytelling What kind of world will we leave for future generations? Thinking about the future tends to feel abstract and remote. Until you’ve taken
简介:IDFA DocLab Competition for Immersive Non-Fiction An ancient Inca prophecy says that the world will find a new harmony when the condor and the eagle again fly together. The condor repres
简介:A portrait based on objects. The filmmaker goes in search of traces of her deceased sister. In the process, fragmented memories meet material things. A journey into a world in which absent people are also allowed to be present.