简介:A twelve-year-old girl is transported by a magical black stallion to the mystical world of ALBION, where she discovers that she alone is the key to saving an entire race of people.
简介:An Interpol agent is killed by gangsters after he saves the life of a wealthy industrialist who stood in their way. When the rest of his family is killed in a car crash, the Interpol agent’s badly injured son is fitted with heavy-duty artificial limbs. Wi
简介:《BiongBiong地球游戏厅》是为抓捕逃往地球的月球兔子而聚集在一起的4名勇士穿越时空展开的新概念混合元宇宙动作冒险综艺节目。 以别具特色的泰国为背景,展开各种游戏,将诞生与众不同的趣味和笑容。4名勇士汇聚了李恩智、OH MY GIRL成员MIMI、李泳知、IVE成员安宥 真。 公认的大势喜剧演员李恩智、在各种综艺节目中展现Sense口才的OH MY GIRL MIMI和才华横溢的歌手李泳知、隐藏的综艺潜力让人好奇的IVE安宥真,仅是出演的消息就成为了热门话题。
简介:Bionic Six was an American/Japanese animated television series from the 1980s produced by TMS Entertainment and distributed by Studios USA and MCA Television (later renamed NBC/Universal Television).