简介:Megan Thee Stallion: In Her Words offers unprecedented access to the multi-faceted woman behind the persona. Follow the Houston native’s journey on the road to stardom as she tenaciously navigates fame, grief, pressure and success. The documentary unpacks
简介:生活唔如意﹖噢﹗萬事有大叔﹗看似成熟穩重的西裝精英林木森,為人功利現實又口甜舌滑,愛耍小聰明。在車行工作多年,接觸人多,見盡不同客戶,練就一把好口才,更成為行內 Top Sales。早年離婚的森將女兒林瑪莎的撫養權讓給太太,太太跟女兒移居美國。然而好景不常,疫情過後經濟衰退,車行決定在人工高的他身上開刀,人到中年才失業,愛充大頭鬼的他一時跌下谷低,人生一團糟之際女兒從外國回來,並帶來「出租大叔」的想法﹗森從起初的不願,到渴望靠此生意翻身賺大錢,最後卻發現做「出租大叔」其實是幫助自己理清一團糟的人生,做回最
主演:Artem Kuren Petr Yurchenkov ml Вероника Пляшкевич
简介:The film is based on real events unfolding on the territory of Belarus in the post-war period. The traitor of the homeland and the accomplice of the fascists managed to avoid reprisals and managed to escape in turmoil. He kills a Soviet soldier and takes
简介:Ernest est un gros ours de Charabie. Il aime jouer de la musique et manger de la confiture. Il a recueilli chez lui Célestine, une petite souris orpheline et ils partagent désormais une maison. Les deux compères ne s’ennuient jamais ! À l’approche des pre