主演:Corinna Harfouch Meret Becker Anian Zollner August Zirner
简介:生于柏林、曾在慕尼黑和巴黎攻读德国文学和拉丁文学的冯.特洛塔(Margarethe Von Trotta),从1968开始接触电影,起初她是个演员,10年后开始担任剧作和副导。作为德国新电影的中坚,她的作品探讨了女性、政治、电影三者之间的可能性。1981年,表现极权主义下一对姐妹挣扎的影片《德国姐妹》获得威尼斯影展最佳影片金狮奖,那是一部呈现其德国不稳定政权下的世界观的影片。其后从《罗莎.卢森堡》到《朋友与丈夫》等作品更是趋向于女性文本主义的表达。她说:"历史背景往往只是电影的开端,而不是我的焦
简介:In a quiet Ontario town, a small Bed and Breakfast dwells with a perverse secret. David Beck, a closet sociopath, but seemingly normal man, runs the B & B with his wife Samantha, a fiery woman with masochistic tendencies. Their only tenant is an aspir
简介:普帕和南法从小就是最好的朋友,这使他们有着难以置信的亲密友谊。他们互相承诺永远不离开对方,但无论如何,普帕还是禁不住害怕失去南法。当超越友谊的感情成为障碍时,这样的承诺能不被打破吗?Phupha and Nanfah have been best friends since childhood, leading them to have an incredibly close friendship. They made a promise to each other to never leave the
简介:被朋友两个字隔开的两个人的故事。最好的朋友,Phupha和Nanfah,将传达一种爱,困惑和恐惧的关系。他们将如何跨越从朋友到爱人的界限?The story of two people separated by the word friend. Best friends, Phupha and Nanfah, will convey a relationship of love, confusion and fear. How will they come to cross over the line