简介:在今年的Macworld 2009上,有两部关于Mac的纪录片首次被搬上屏幕。一部是MacHEADS,另一部是Welcome to Macintosh。关于Welcome to Macintosh,它由Josh Rizzo 和 Rob Baca制作,忠实的记录了苹果和Mac的一些历史轶事,由一系列人物访谈组成。该纪录片公映后反响强烈,人们对此进行了有趣的讨论。电影涉及的五位人物也亲临现场并登台回答了观众的问题,他们中有苹果公司的联合创始人史蒂夫·沃兹尼克、Ron Wayne、Andy Hertzfel
简介:This rare costume adventure differs from other Italian films made in the same era, for it actually takes place in a setting highly reminiscent of 16th century Spain. When the king of Nogara dies of the plague, his two nieces, Malva and Isabella, find them
简介:A young boy is forced to join a group of street urchins after his mother is wrongfully arrested for smuggling in which he tries to find the real culprit.