简介:《巷弄里的那家书店》(英语:Lovestore at the Corner),2014年台湾偶像剧,梦田文创制作。本剧获得文化部101年度高画质(HD)电视节目旗舰型连续剧类补助3,000万。本剧结合工业设计龙头奇想创造谢荣雅,与台湾设计界的大师林磐耸共同合作。由李威、 谢欣颖、王乐妍、林柏宏主演。一個女生登山時失蹤改變了周遭一些人的人生也將一些原本沒有關係的人聚集在一起追求一個共同的夢想向書磊出身醫生世家,從小性格壓抑且受嚴格管教,使得他長期渴望能夠擁有比較親密自在的關係,也使得他早早就具備
简介:This city is getting worst and worst when three different personalities encountering in divergent spaces: the junior assistant brutally instructed by the senior cameraman, the real estate agency girl suffered cases of aborted sales, and the abandoned work
简介:An 11-year-old boy searches along the estuaries of the polluted Yellow River for the mother that abandoned him. Instead, in a notorious coal-mining town, he finds toxic waste, enslavement, drugs and violence. How can he maintain his will to live?
简介:Greek film director Memos comes to Moscow to do research for a documentary he’s preparing. Russian journalist Xenia will act as his guide and help himfind what he’s looking for. Through this relationship, we learn about Memos’ life; a life inexorably boun