简介:Yesterday is HistoryTomorry is a MysteryToday is a giftThat's why we call it the present二十年前,一位名叫奥法的8岁儿童神奇地闯入美国联邦政府电脑系统,引起联邦政府惊恐,联邦调查局如临大敌,全体出动,终将此案破获,奥法因此被尘封记忆,并判21岁前不得接触电脑。二十年后,又有一名十几岁的少年受电脑黑客传授侵入航空公司电脑网络,扰乱导航系统,使班机在飞行时,无故撞向高压电柱。电脑黑客又在动画软件中插入经
简介:The planet LaMetal begins a war of conquest with the Earth, and the only one who can defend the world from this threat is the Queen Millennia, a former princess of La-Metal who has made Earth her home.