简介:历时10年多的电视连续剧,足以影响一代人。这个作品就是其中之一,也许很少中国人知道,现在在英国的C4电视台仍然播出着,其魅力是历经时间的长河。一个普通的波士顿小酒吧,来这里的每个人都互相认识,出了酒吧各自有着喜怒哀乐的故事,进了酒吧就是嬉笑怒骂的“一家人”。Woody据说就是从此出名,其后才参演多部著名作品,比如Naturally born kill(天生杀人狂)等,非常多产。-sonychen
简介:OK K.O.. Let's Be Heroes follows the titular character, K.0., and his efforts to become the world's greatest hero while working at Gar's Bodega, a hero supply shop in the Lakewood Plaza strip mall. Alongside him are his best friends and co-
简介:Una commedia sentimentale brillante e contemporanea, ambientata a Trieste, che si regge sul brio e sulla simpatia dei due principali attori nei panni di Ugo e Nora.I due sono in attesa di divorzio, il tradimento ha infranto il loro sogno d'amore. Ra
简介:In a small grade school, one class has a unique way of learning about the world with their teacher, Ms. Frizzle. To illustrate the science concepts they discuss, they always on a field trip on the Magic Schoolbus, a magic vehicle that can literally go any