简介:Zach Woods和自己的老同事——《硅谷》主创Mike Judge合体的Peacock成人向动画剧集《木偶新知》(In the Know)在去年九月获得剧集预订后,于日前公开配音阵容:包括《继承之战》“Gerri” J. Smith-Cameron、《未来总统日记》“Bobby” Charlie Bushnell、《人生酒友》“Sherm” Carl Tart以及《绝望写手》“Jessica” Caitlin Reilly将在剧中献声。
简介:木匠爷爷(鲍勃·霍斯金斯 Bob Hoskins 饰)一直以来都过着形单影只的孤独生活,深感寂寞的他用一块木头雕成了一个小男孩,取名匹诺曹(罗比·凯 Robbie Kay 饰),就这样,匹诺曹和爷爷开始了相依为命的生活。在蓝仙女的照拂之下,匹诺曹拥有了灵活的四肢和独立的思想,他再也不像一个动也不能动的木头人了!然而,随着时间的推移,匹诺曹渐渐感到了不满足。他知道,自己从本质上来说,并不是一个真正的小男孩,在他的胸膛里躺着的,依旧是一颗不会跳动的木头一样的心脏。为了成为真正的男孩,匹诺曹踏上了旅途,他要学
简介:Ostensible puppet master is an affable white-haired gentleman named Joseph Paskin casually approaches the sullen Pierre Blum outside a French casino. Joseph pretends not to recognize the 40-ish all-but-forgotten novelist, though time will soon reveal that
简介:Since early childhood Peter has been obsessed with the world of puppets, but his greater obsession is with a real girl, Lisa. He crafts his perfect woman out of her. But Lisa isn't a docile marionette. She's a living human being and she rebels a