简介:即使在其最早期的作品,林布蘭已設法安排自己在畫中場景露面。往後的繪畫生涯裡,至少有上百次,林布蘭筆下的自己,服飾裝扮宜古宜今,畫家的臉孔成了版畫、素描和油畫詮釋的唯一主題。林布蘭 Rembrandt Van Rijn (1606 – 1669)林布蘭對創作自畫像的固執與專注,在藝術史上獨一無二,並且引發各式各樣的解讀。是否,林布蘭的自畫像隱藏了不為人知的涵義?他不做作地展現自己工作時的模樣,他經常不修邊幅,纏著奇形怪狀的頭巾,在羅浮宮的自畫像中,只有調色盤、支腕杖和他的臉壟罩在光暈中。而收藏於肯伍
简介:James Nesbitt’s Ireland will see the actor explore his homeland and offer his own personal take on Irish life, its culture, history and people. Throughout the series James will meet and
简介:Rémy, jeune architecte parisien, est envoyé à Shanghai par son agence pour remplacer un collègue tombé malade et finaliser le chantier de la salle de spectacle qu’il dirigeait. A l’issue du chantier, il doit intégrer la filiale de l’agence pour 3 ans. Mar
简介:很多年前曾有一个叫作戈哈兰的城市。城里有一些神秘的宝石,恶魔拿到它们就可以统治整个城市。There was a city called Goharan in many years ago. The name Goharan related to mysterious stones in that city. Monsters gain the power on the city by getting the stone.
简介:An animated short set to the tune of Pat Boone's Exodus Song satirizing the history of the land called Israel/Palestine/Canaan/the Levant. "I envisioned This Land Is Mine as the last scene of my potential-possible-maybe- feature film, Seder-Maso